So the basics of career mode revolve around getting science points. These come from EVA's, Crew reports, Surface Samples, and Science Tools. (and a liberal abuse of capital letters) Two of the science tools can only be used once per mission unless they are reset by a Science lab, the rest can be run repeatedly under the right conditions.
This is one part of the game that kind of irks me, there is very little reason to run unmanned missions early on. I guess that really isn't a problem, but it just has a wrong vibe to it in my opinion.
OK, enough wondering if I am 'doing it wrong', time for science.
The first 'mission' you run will most likely be the 'launchpad science mission'. The only thing you need is a capsule.
The short version (in pictures below) is to make a capsule and launch it. Now right click on the capsule and get the crew report on the launch pad. Then EVA your kerbal (stay on the capsule) and get an 'above kerbal' report (unless you are actually on the ground, you get an 'above' report. Now get back in the capsule to save that above report. Next EVA again and hit the space bar to alight upon the ground. Right click on your kerbal and get and save a both a surface sample and an EVA report. Now just back in to the capsule and recover the capsule (hover over your altitude with the mouse).
Ta Da! 18 Science! You're space rich and your haven't flown anywhere yet! Tune in next time for some thing that actually requires movement.
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